We understand not all swimming lesson programs are the same. Most learn-to-swim programs are designed to keep the swimmer participating in the program as long as possible by offering only two lessons a week, over 4-8 weeks. While this may be helpful for schedules, it does not expose the swimmer's myonuclear permanence (muscle memory) to enough repetition of skills and technical development. Our objective differentiates from this model significantly.

At Rancho Tsunami Learn-to-Swim, we strive for your swimmer to become a lifetime water enthusiast who practices safe and efficient swimming skills. Our Summer swim lessons are based on the American Red Cross level system. All of our instructors and staff are WSI (Water Safety Instruction), LGT (Life Guard Training, CPR/First Aid, AED, and Title 22 certified. Instead of spanning 8 lessons over 4-6 weeks like other programs, our unique leveling system is designed to give your swimmer 8 lessons in two weeks. The success of mastering any new skill is repetition, and with Rancho Tsunami's approach of 4 consecutive courses in 4 days, over two weeks, your swimmer will be a master in no time. With that said, no two swimmers are alike, and everyone learns at their own pace. Our programs allow swimmers to develop at their own pace, without you breaking the bank.

Each session will conclude with a "test day", in which our instructors will assess your swimmer's comprehension of the skills within that particular level. We recommend each swimmer take each level at least twice before advancing to the next level to allow thorough muscle memory and execution of skills. Levels are age-specific to an extent as there are always exceptions.


LEVEL 1 - Introduction to Water Skills
1. Enter and exit water
2. Blowing bubbles
3. Bobbing
4. Open eyes underwater and retrieve submerged objects
5. Front glide and float, and recover to a vertical position
6. Back glide and float and recover to a vertical position
7. Roll from front to back and back to front
8. Tread water, using arm and hand actions
9. Alternating and simultaneous leg and arm actions on the front
10. Alternating and simultaneous leg and arm actions on the back
11. Combined arm and leg actions on the front
12. Combined arm and leg actions on the back
13. Learn appropriate safety skills
1. Enter unassisted, travel 5 yards, bob 3 times, then safely exit the water
2. Glide on front at least 2 body lengths, roll to a back float for 3 seconds, and recover to a vertical position (can be performed with support)

LEVEL 2 - Fundamental Aquatic Skills
1. Stepping or jumping from side into chest-deep water
2. Fully submerge and hold your breath
3. Bobbing
4. Open eyes underwater and retrieve submerged objects
5. Front, jellyfish, and tuck floats
6. Front glide and float, and recover to a vertical position
7. Back glide and float, and recover to a vertical position
8. Roll from front to back and back to front
9. Tread water, using arm and leg actions
10. Change the direction of travel while swimming on the front and back
11. Combined arm and leg actions on the front
12. Combined arm and leg actions on the back
13. Finning arm action on the back
14. Learn appropriate safety skills
1. Step from side into chest-deep water, move into a front float for 5 seconds, roll to back, float for 5 seconds, then return to a vertical position
2. Move into a back float for 5 seconds, roll to front, then recover to a vertical position
3. Push off and swim, using combined arm and leg actions on front for 5 body lengths, roll to back, float for 15 seconds, roll to front, then continue for 5 body lengths (can be assisted when getting a breath)

LEVEL 3 - Stroke Development
1. Jumping into deep water from the side
2. Headfirst entry from the side in seated and kneeling positions
3. Bobbing while moving to safety
4. Rotary breathing
5. Survival Float
6. Back Float
7. Tread water for 30 seconds
8. Swimming the front crawl for 15 yards
9. Swimming elementary backstroke for 15 yards
10. Flutter, scissors, and dolphin kicks
11. Push off in a streamlined position on the front, then begin kicking
12. Learn appropriate safety skills
1. Jump into deep water from the side, swim front crawl for 15 yards, maintain position by treading or floating for 30 seconds, and swim elementary backstroke for 15 yards.

LEVEL 4 - Stroke Improvement
1. Headfirst entry in compact and stride positions
2. Feetfirst surface dive
3. Swim underwater
4. Tread water, using 2 different kicks
5. Survival swimming
6. Front crawl for 25 yards
7. Elementary backstroke for 25 yards
8. Breaststroke for 15 yards
9. Back crawl for 15 yards
10. Butterfly for 15 yards
11. Sidestroke for 15 yards
12. Open turns on the front and back
13. Flutter and dolphin kicks on back
14. Push off in a streamlined position on the back, then begin kicking
15. Learn appropriate safety skills
1. Perform a feet-first entry into deep water, swim front crawl for 25 yards, change direction and position as necessary, and swim elementary backstroke for 25 yards.
2. Swim breaststroke for 15 yards, change direction and position as necessary, and swim back crawl for 15 yards.

LEVEL 5 - Stroke Refinement
1. Performing a shallow-angle dive into deep water
2. Tuck-surface dive
3. Pike-surface dive
4. Tread water for 5 minutes
5. Sculling
6. Front crawl for 50 yards
7. Elementary backstroke for 50 yards
8. Breaststroke for 25 yards
9. Back crawl for 25 yards
10. Butterfly for 25 yards
11. Sidestroke for 25 yards
12. Front flip turn
13. Back flip turn
14. Learn appropriate safety skills
1. Perform a shallow-angle dive into deep water, swim front crawl for 50 yards, change direction and position of travel as necessary, and swim elementary backstroke for 50 yards.
2. Swim breaststroke for 25 yards, change direction and position of travel as necessary, and swim back crawl for 25 yards.

LEVEL 6 - Swimming and Skill Proficiency
1. Surface dive and retrieve object from the bottom 7-10’
2. Tread water, kicking only
3. Front crawl for 100 yards
4. Elementary backstroke for 100 yards
5. Breaststroke for 50 yards
6. Back crawl for 50 yards
7. Butterfly for 50 yards
8. Sidestroke for 50 yards
9. Demonstrating open turns and front and back flip turns when swimming
1. Swim 500 yards continuously, using any 3 strokes of choice, swimming at least 50 yards of each stroke